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Since May 25th, 2018, the European Regulation on the processing of personal data 2016/679, known as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), has become fully enforceable.
Autoservizi Salemi srl implements the necessary policies to comply with data protection regulations.

The protection of personal data and therefore your privacy are extremely serious matters for us.

Autoservizi Salemi srl, as the Data Controller, wishes to assure you that your personal information is safe with us and inform you about how it is used in order to provide you with the best services.

Per la protezione della vostra privacy è per noi consueto il rispetto delle leggi e delle norme sia nazionali che europee.

To get detailed information, click on the links provided below:

We can be contacted via email:

You can contact our Data Protection Officer/DPO:

If you wish to exercise your rights:

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Attenzione: Fermata soppressa a Salemi P.zza della Libertà

Comunichiamo ai Sig.ri passeggeri che dal 07.04.2023 e  fino a completamento dei lavori, la fermata di salita a Salemi P.zza della Libertà – in direzione Palermo Aeroporto e Palermo città – non potrà essere effettuata.
Passengers can get on at the Cappuccini bus stop and at the Salemi/Gibellina railway station.
The bus stop in P.zza della Libertà on arrival in Salemi is regular.
Autoservizi Salemi Srl.