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AUTOSERVIZI SALEMI S.r.l. has been operating in the public passenger transport and bus rental with driver sector since 1948. The fleet consists of over 70 buses and minibuses among the most modern and comfortable, all equipped with the best comforts as well as the most modern and efficient safety systems.

Autoservizi Salemi operates in an area where the fastest and most frequent means of transport is by road. The company's operating culture encourages the use of bus transport, as it guarantees a quality-price ratio in terms of both travel comfort and economics. In addition, it is committed to preventing pollution, safeguarding and pursuing the continuous improvement of its quality and environmental performance, minimizing the risks associated with the activities carried out and the services provided.

"The Management of AUTOSERVIZI SALEMI considers Quality, understood as system quality, therefore referring to all business processes, as the primary factor for achieving, maintaining and improving its competitive strength".

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Attenzione: Fermata soppressa a Salemi P.zza della Libertà

Comunichiamo ai Sig.ri passeggeri che dal 07.04.2023 e  fino a completamento dei lavori, la fermata di salita a Salemi P.zza della Libertà – in direzione Palermo Aeroporto e Palermo città – non potrà essere effettuata.
Passengers can get on at the Cappuccini bus stop and at the Salemi/Gibellina railway station.
The bus stop in P.zza della Libertà on arrival in Salemi is regular.
Autoservizi Salemi Srl.