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We inform Passengers that, starting from Friday 12 April 2024, the timetables of the MARSALA - TRAPANI AIRPORT - PALERMO AIRPORT - PALERMO city line and vice versa will vary.

The change concerns the timetables of the trips on FRIDAY, starting from Friday 12 April 2024, the following trips will no longer be carried out:

  • The bus service at 07.45am from Marsala and at 08.15am from Trapani Airport to Palermo Airport and Palermo city does NOT operate;
  • The 4.30 am bus service from Palermo to Trapani Airport and Marsala does NOT operate.

Autoservizi Salemi Srl

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Attenzione: Fermata soppressa a Salemi P.zza della Libertà

Comunichiamo ai Sig.ri passeggeri che dal 07.04.2023 e  fino a completamento dei lavori, la fermata di salita a Salemi P.zza della Libertà – in direzione Palermo Aeroporto e Palermo città – non potrà essere effettuata.
Passengers can get on at the Cappuccini bus stop and at the Salemi/Gibellina railway station.
The bus stop in P.zza della Libertà on arrival in Salemi is regular.
Autoservizi Salemi Srl.